Ancestral Heritage

Genealogical Roots

History & Culture

Promoting and Preserving Our Local History

The Heritage Library is a private, not-for-profit research center that provides resources including a wealth of historical information, photographs, and maps of Hilton Head Island and the Lowcountry for a modest daily fee or affordable annual membership. The library is an affiliate of the Family Search Library in Salt Lake City operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which allows access to some of their restricted records. Also, patrons of the Heritage Library have access to major online databases at Ancestry, Fold3 (formerly Footnote), American Ancestors (formerly NEHGS), and HeritageQuest Online through our network.

Join The Library

As a Member, you will have full access to the library facilities, publications, classes and our online resources as well as the talents and expertise of our volunteers who will help with your research project.

The Heritage Observer

The Heritage Observer is our quarterly newsletter covering all of the latest information on Low Country history, events and information on discovering your heritage. Make sure to sign up to receive notice of the latest release!

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Upcoming Events & Classes

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Exploring Genealogical Roots Can Uncover Fascinating History

The Heritage Library is a premier family research center on Hilton Head Island. We are staffed with experienced genealogists, online subscription databases, and over 5000 books, maps, magazines, and articles. Visit us today to start your family journey or continue to find exciting information about your ancestors.

Unveil the Rich Tapestry of Heritage in Local Culture & History

Researchers from across the country come to the Heritage Library for its breadth of material and the knowledgeable help they receive from our volunteers. Much of this material – especially about Hilton Head history — is not readily available from other sources. 

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