Hilton Head Island Properties Sold for Unpaid Taxes, 1863-1876

The following announcement of the sale of property on Hilton Head was published in “The New South” on November 6, 1863.




Notice is hereby given that the several Tracts or Lots of Land situated in the State of South Carolina, herein described, have become forfeited to the United States by reason of the nonpayment of direct taxes charged thereon, under the act entitled, “An Act to provide increased revenue from imports, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes,” approved August 5, 1861, and an act entitled, ‘An Act for the collection of direct taxes in insurrectionary districts within the United States, and for other purposes,’ approved June 7, 1862, and that the same will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday, December 1st, 1863, at 1 o’clock P.M. of said day, at the Custom House building, at Port Royal, Hilton Head Island, St. Luke’s Parish, Beaufort Dist., and state aforesaid, and that the sale of the same will be continued from day to day until all the said Lots and Tracts are finally disposed of.

Sales continued sporadically until 1876.

View the listing of sales for Hilton Head Island. These tax certificates are also listed in the full deed index.

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