Hilton Head Island Plantations:
General Information

The Plantation information included here is from two sources.  Library volunteers Nancy Burke and Lyman Wooster compiled a notebook titled "Hilton Head Island Plantations A to Z", and their material is summarized for each plantation in the "Fast Facts" section of the webpage.

In addition, another, more extensive, notebook at the library titled "Hilton Head Island Places," compiled in 2001 by Norma Harberger, provides us with the "Additional Information" section of the webpage.

By combing all the written records we could find plus official records of land transfers, these Heritage Library volunteers have assembled the most complete record anywhere of the various plantations that once existed on the island, tracing name and ownership changes.

Two maps are referenced in these descriptions (Click on a map to enlarge the image):

Mosse, Hilton Head Island, 1783

Hack, Hilton Head Island Before 1861

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